The aim of the project is to promote a more inclusive educational system and lead to a decrease in the achievement gap between pupils with and without a migrant background. Creation of innovative integration method with mentoring of specially trained teachers and parent involvement is one of the intellectual outputs of the project.

  • TITLE: STEMS – Supporting Teachers and Immigrant Students at School
  • PROJECT NUMBER: 2016-TR01-KA201-034681
  • DURATION: 3/10/2016-2/04/2019


  • Situation/Needs Analysis based on a survey done at pilot schools among children, parents and teachers
  • Teacher Guidbook/Online Tool
  • Student Integration Method


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Partnerzy Uczelni

Organizacja IT w województwie zachodniopomorskim

Komenda Wojewódzka Policji Szczecin

Microsoft Polska - platforma do nauczania zdalnego i studia online

Uczelnia IT z szkoleniami

Microsoft Azure – platforma chmurowa firmy Microsoft stworzona w modelu PaaS.

Biuro Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego z siedzibą w Szczecinie